Apostolic Christian Fellowship Temple, Inc.
Apostolic Christian Fellowship Temple, Inc.
Our Presider and Founder
Our Presider and Founder

Douglas Jackson
Douglas Jackson
We can say with surety that God choose this dedicated man to work the Lords divinely inspired p​lan, through this great ch​urch. For it was by his tireless efforts, prolific preaching; mastery of the inspired scriptures that Apostle Jackson with God's Grace and determination founded this dynamic church known as the Apostolic Christian Fellowship Temple. Inc.
In the year of 1980, Apostle Jackson accepted the word of God and was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and received the gift of the Holy Ghost under the leadership of his Pastor Bishop Willie Warrick. Apostle Jackson was ordained a deacon, and then Minister, working faithful and diligently. During his tenure as Minister the Lord moved upon him.
He has the love for the people of God which lead him to start a Hospital Ministry where he prayed and comfort the sick and shut in daily. The cry of the people reached the ears of Minister Jackson and he began to fulfill Acts 2:42 with House to House Fellowship. Through this fellowship many souls where inspired to be baptized, and filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Lord again moved upon Minister Jackson and called him to Pastor and Founder the Apostolic Christian Fellowship Temple Inc. for over 31 years. The church was established in 1990 many souls were Baptized and filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Lord again moved upon Minister Jackson and called him to Pastor and Founder the Apostolic Christian Fellowship Temple Inc. for over 31 years. The church was established in 1990 many souls were Baptized and filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost.
In 1990 Apostle Jackson joined the Evangelistic Churches of Christ organization under the leadership and watchful eye of Apostle Lymus Johnson. Apostle Jackson was elevated swiftly up the ranks of the organization, Apostle Jackson held several offices in the organization. He was the New York State Youth Congress President, for over ten years. Apostle Jackson conducted several State Revival services and state meetings, where many souls were filled with the Holy Ghost and Baptized in Jesus Name. Apostle Jackson's faithful work in the Lord encouraged Apostle Lymyus Johnson to ordain him to the office of Elder, then National Executive Secretary. He was ordained Bishop and in 2008 he became the National Presiding Bishop over the Evangelistic Churches of Christ. Apostle received serval accolades from various organizations such as: Proclamations, and Citations, and honorary awards from the Mayor's office of New York City; the Borough of Queens New York Presidents office. As well as the Mayors office of Greensboro North Carolina.
Apostle holds an A.A. in Liberal Arts, and a B.A. in Christian Ministry from Regent University in Virginia Beach, he is pursing his Masters degree in Education with an expected graduation in 2022. Bishop Jackson is married to a Virtuous Woman of God Co- Pastor Lady Patricia Jackson who can sing the house down and who works diligently by his side. Through this union they have two sons Elder Douglas Jr. and wife Crystal of Tallahassee Florida; Shawn of Greensboro North Carolina, and a spiritual daughter, Crystal James of Greensboro North Carolina; six grandchildren.
The Lord has taken Apostle Jackson to a new level in Ministry to form a World Wide Ministry, forming and building churches, empowering Pastors and Ministries World Wide, we salute and bid Gods speed upon our Apostle Douglas Jackson.